Wednesday 17 October 2012

How to Avoid Wasting Time at University

Drinking too much coffee can cause a latte problems...
So we all have been partial to the occasional iPlayer/4oD moment when there is nothing you want to do more than catch up on some TV show that you don’t really care about. But for me, I always feel a bit guilty afterwards, like there must be some other activity I could be doing that would be less, well, lazy. I have come up with some examples of ways to waste time without necessarily feeling like you’re wasting time...

People Watching. Why not head over to the nearest *insert coffee shop name here*, find the perfect window seat and have a good stare? You’ll feel more proactive potato than couch potato as I’m pretty sure Costa/Caffe Nero/PrĂȘt A Manger will make you change out of your pyjamas. Take a pretentious book to pretend to read and enjoy the staring as people go by completely clueless of your antics. If you’re feeling particularly bored, why not head over in the early morning and catch a glimpse of last night’s gossip walking home?

Social Media. Okay, so I know that spending a few hours on Facebook is a classic procrastination technique, but why not mix it up with a bit of Twitter/Google+/LinkedIn/Blogging and you’ll feel like you’ve spent the entire morning devouring all the web has to offer. Also, by putting LinkedIn in the mix, you are totally enhancing your career prospects, obviously.

Timetabling. Feel like you just don’t have the time to do all that you need to do? Print off 5 copies of your timetable and fill in when you are going to do which bit of work depending on which nights you go out. Let’s say you’re planning a mon/weds/fri (Bristol lot: Bunker, Dorma, Lounge?) why not create a timetable for working that doesn’t involve the mornings afterwards. That way you’ll be so totally organised when it comes to the timetabled hangover and already have found a time to do your stupid essay. Definitely not a waste of time. 

New Experiences. Write a check list of random things you want to do before you leave university and put it up on your wall (length of list depends on amount of time wanted to be wasted writing said list). Examples include: attend a free session at pole dancing society, go a week without spending any money or persuade the Sri Lankan society that you’re from Sri Lanka. 

1 comment:

  1. Start watching a new TV show? Always a good opportunity to while away some hours whilst feeling productive. I am a big fan of Marr's Making of the Modern World. Either that or the Sunday Times - that usually lasts me the whole week.
