Monday, 5 November 2012

The Familiar Family

Image: FOX

This weekend I made the expedition voyage to the north to celebrate my heroic grandpa’s 95th birthday with the entirety of my family. Admittedly, I have a rather large family with 18 cousins and 2nd cousins I actually know but it made me think about all those family stereotypes that may actually be true…

The Wacky Aunt. There is always an aunt who is a tad eccentric sure in her opinions providing you with endless hours of amusement with her ‘back in my day’ comments and hilarious judgements. Whether a fan of the cynic aunt or not, you can certainly while away the hours listening to her thoughts on your 2nd cousin twice removed’s new hair colour.

The Random Cousin. Everyone has that cousin who you’ve been introduced to enough times that you should definitely know their name, but you just don’t. No matter how hard you try to remember, it just won’t come back and you end up having to talk about yourself for the entirety of the conversation to avoid awkward moments.

The ‘Why Haven’t You Grown’. Yes, I do still get this one. Now you may be asking why at the age of 20 I am still growing, well I am not but I do now make the life choice to occasionally wear high heels and it amuses me to see the look on my uncle’s face when I am suddenly 4 inches taller than I was 6 months ago.

The Endless Goodbyes. When the time comes to give everyone a kiss and head off back home to conversations in which you don’t have to smile until your face hurts, I always find that I end up saying goodbye to everyone about 10 times over a period of a few hours. In my book, the phrase,’ we’re definitely leaving now’ is vastly overused.

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