Monday 26 November 2012

Why You Should Go To The Theatre

Image: JuiceBar Gambit
Being a student, I often find we are happy to sit around apathetically doing the minimum amount of work we can get away with and going to the same three clubs over and over again. The sheer number of people who seem to fit this category almost allows it to become an excuse. I have recently discovered that things are much more fun if you do the old fashioned technique of ‘mixing it up’. Here are some reasons why you should go to the theatre, even if X Factor is on. 

Your friend is in a show. Have you ever noticed a friend has changed their profile picture to some poster of some production? It’s probably because they’re in it. Why not support your mate and go along and see what it is that they seem to enjoy so much. Even if the play is pants, you’ll still enjoy seeing your friend make a complete fool of themself.

It’s cheaper than pub golf. It really is not an expensive activity to do as a student, most shows will be around £5 and some are often free. Take advantage of cheap theatre while you still can, taking a date to the West End to impress is going to dig a much bigger hole in your pocket than seeing your uni’s annual musical. 

You can still go out after. Most plays tend to finish around 10pm, perfect timing to make your way to the local pub, neck a bottle of wine and then go out afterwards. This also makes it the perfect first date, if it is awkward then you don’t have to talk at all and can hurry on home right away. But if it’s going really well, you can chat about it in the pub afterwards.

It’s fun. There are so many different types of productions you can go and see. From musicals to Shakespeare to Improv to concerts- whatever you feel like, you can pretty much guarantee your university will be doing something on it within the next year. While theatre is so accessible, don’t be a numpty and miss out. 

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